Bank your Activity Points

Activity points can now be banked for the week. If you know you have a special dinner or party coming up, move more each day before the event to earn extra food points that can be used at the event.

The Momentum Plan

Weight Watchers's 2009 MOMENTUM Plan combines the best elements of the former Flex and Core. From Flex, the ability to eat any food, with portion control and tracking. From Core, eating foods that sustain you longer and listening to your body's signals.

Continuing with the 4-way approach of Eating Smarter, Moving More, Building Helpful Habits, and attending weekly meetings, you can lose weight by focusing on foods that are "filling foods."

Food Pushers and Exercise Saboteurs

S pot your food pushers
A ssert yourself
B e on offence, not defense
O ne little bite won't hurt?
T ake control
A sk for help
G et support from others
E xercise your right to be healthy

Handling Special Occasions

T hink First
H ave a plan.
A cknowledge special foods.
N otice how often you eat.
K eep portions in check.
F ocus more on people.
U se smaller utensils or plates.
L et yourself enjoy the day.

The Football Connection to Weight Loss

*Individual success starts with a HUDDLE. (Attend your weekly WW meeting)
*You have to stick with the GAME PLAN. (Flex/Core)
*We all FUMBLE. (Just get right back on track)
*Keep your eye on the GOAL. (Your next 5 lbs, 10%, or Ultimate Goal)
*BELIEVE in your abilities and never quit. (You can do it!)

Ways to Make Meals/Snacks More Satisfying

-Choose low energy dense foods that are filling because of water, air, and fiber.
-Incorporate the Good Health Guidelines.
-Eat a balance of foods from different food groups.
-Chew more.
-Use Points wisely; a few more Points now can save you from losing control later.

Caramel Cookies

Caramel Cookies
POINTS® Value: 1
Servings: 60
Preparation Time: 5 min
Cooking Time: 10 min
Level of Difficulty: Easy

1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened1 cup packed brown sugar, dark1 large egg(s)1 tsp vanilla extract1 cup all-purpose flour3/4 cup whole wheat flour1/4 tsp table salt1/2 tsp baking soda

Preheat oven to 400°F.
In a large bowl, using an electric mixer, cream butter, sugar, egg and vanilla extract. Add remaining ingredients and beat thoroughly. Scrape dough out of bowl and onto a large piece of plastic wrap. Roll dough into a log, about 2 1/2-inches wide; completely wrap dough in plastic and refrigerate until firm, at least 20 minutes or up to overnight. Cut dough into 1/8-inch-thick slices and arrange on several large ungreased cookies sheets about 1- to 1 1/2-inches apart. Bake until lightly browned around edges, about 8 to 10 minutes. Allow cookies to cool on cookie sheet for about 1 minute and then remove to a wire rack to cool completely. Yields 1 cookie per serving.

Halloween Tips

Halloween Tips

*Buy candy you do not like and give that out
*Bag up candy in small treat bags so it is not loose and more tempting
*Have a plan for leftover candy - bring to work - send to school - send to work with someone else
*Don't stay at home - go to the movies or go out
*Figure out a plan - look up how many points a favorite candy is and work it into your day as a treat.

Manage Your Feelings

1> Start becoming aware of your "emotional hunger."

2> Acknowledge the emotion- feel the feeling.

3> Reframe- What are you really hungry for and how can you get it better ways?

"If hunger is not the problem, then eating is not the solution."

Explore. Dream. Discover.

Steps to Discover

D efine a winning outcome
I nitiate a plan
S eek out resources
C onsider experiences
O pen yourself to the unknown
V isualize the rewards
E xamine and renew your commitment
R esolve to keep going

Tarragon Chicken Salad

1 cup Dannon All Natural Plain Non-fat yogurt
1 tsp. dry tarragon
1 Tbsp. Dijon mustard
3 cups cooked diced chicken
2/3 cup minced celery
2/3 cup minced scallions
1 1/4 cups halved cherry tomatoes
salt and pepper to taste
6 cups mixed greens

In a bowl combine yogurt, tarragon, and mustard. Let stand 10 minutes.
Add chicken, celery, scallions, tomatoes, and seasoning to taste. Let stand 15-20 minutes.
Serve over mixed greens.

Makes 4 servings; 5 points each

Soups On!

I like soup
I do

I would eat it in my house,
I would eat it with my spouse,
Before a meal, I'll have a cup,
I like the way it fills me up.

In a hurry you can see
On the go it satisfies me.

It warms me up when I am cold
and can help me lose, so I am told.

I can make it when I do Core,
If I'm hungry I'll have some more.

When counting points I make it low,
So I'll have plenty of points to go.

I really like it I must say,
I will eat it every day.

Have a "souper" week.

Benefits of Dancing

Dancing benefits:

  • A good brain workout (associated with reduced risk of demetia)
  • Great for de-stressing
  • Helps with muscle tone
  • Tightens arms, abs, and buttocks
  • Makes activity time go faster
  • Burns calories, aids in weight loss!

"I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance,

Never settle for the path of least resistance,

And when you get a chance to sit it out or dance...


-Lee Ann Womack

Look Back and Learn

One of Weight Watchers Healthy Habits is to Learn from Experience.

Learn that the scale gives you feedback on how you are doing. Learn when you are most successful, what motivates you, and the best way you add activity.

L earn from experience
O k that has worked well for me
O ops that hasn't worked so well
K nowledge applied from what was learned

B e aware of your habits and behaviors
A djust accordingly
C ontinue to attend weekly meetings
K now Positive thinking = Positive results

Favorite Zero or One Point Foods

My favorite 0 or 1 point foods are:

0: Colored peppers, Finn Crisps, Original Fiber One cereal, WW Fruities (blackberry)

1: Gala apples, Vitamuffins (cranberry or double chocolate), WW yogurt (amaretto cheesecake or black cherry), WW smoothies, WW mini caramel bars, Flat out low carb wraps, Laughing Cow light swiss, Orville 94% fat free popcorn, Almond Breeze Vanilla 40cal

Move more with me and Lose for Good

I will be participating on Sunday, October 12th in City of Hope’s Walk for Hope 5K Run to Cure Breast Cancer to raise funds for breast cancer research, treatment and education, and programs at this world-renowned institution.

It is not too late, Join me by registering at During the registration process, just select the 'Register as part of a team' option and select my team name Lose for Good.

You can also make a difference by sponsoring me in the Walk for Hope. It is easy – just click this link (or copy it to your browser) and check out my personal donation page. You can use your credit card to donate online. It is safe, easy and 100% tax deductible.

Thank you for joining me in the fight to cure breast cancer!

Rachel Goldschmidt


Eating foods that are low in energy density have more water, air, or fiber. Eating these foods can help you stay satisfied and in your comfort zone throughout the day.

Z ero in on your internal feelings
O wn your feelings of hunger and fullness
N ote the science of energy density
E xplore more filling foods
S teer clear of danger zones along your journey.

Zucchini Bread

Delicious and easy to make.

1-1/4 C. shredded zucchini, packed and liquid squeezed out
3/4 C. Splenda
1/2 C. brown sugar
1/3 C. unsweetened applesauce
1 egg
1 t. vanilla
1 C. flour
1 t. baking powder
1 t. baking soda
1/2 t. salt
1 t. cinnamon

Mix all ingredients well. Pour into a glass, sprayed loaf pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes.

8 servings = 2 pts. each

Set Interim Goals to Reach Your Ultimate Weight Goal

Setting and achieving Interim goals can help you stay motivated to reach your Ultimate/Dream Weight Goal.

When choosing a Dream Goal, make sure it is:

D esirable -a weight you would like to be at
R ealistic -a weight you feel healthy and happy at
E asily Maintained - a weight you won't struggle to stay at
A ttainable - a weight to can get to
M eets Your Needs - you will achieve Lifetime or fits your other needs

Please see me if you have any questions about setting your weight goal.

Trust the program, it works!

Weight Watchers celebrates 45 years of weight loss success.

T urnaround is a livable program
R eminisce old WW food plans
U nderstand variety and flexibility
S eek the benefits of a weekly meeting
T urn you life around

Enjoy Moving More

Incorporate more activity into your day that you enjoy and find fun.

S ee the fun in movement
P ick things you enjoy doing
O pen your mind to new ideas
R elate to some habits of Olympic athletes
T ake on a competitive attitude

Plan Ahead

Plan ahead and rehearse how you will handle challenging events so you will be successful.

Recognize challenges ahead
Evaluate your options
Have a game plan
Execute it as best you can
Accept setbacks as feedback
Rehearse with the end in mind
See your winning outcome
Embrace new habits for a new you

Discover Your Eating Pattern

Discover Your Eating Pattern

1) Write down when you eat.
2) Determine physical satisfaction.
3) Make adjustments, if necessary.

**Plan to minimize hunger and maximize satisfaction.

Prepare yourself
Alter eating times
Take time to plan
Try new foods and recipes
Eat only until satisfied
Recognize when hungry
Notice times when you eat

Keep a food journal

By Will Dunham Tue Jul 8, 3:25 AM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Keeping a food diary -- a detailed account of what you eat and drink and the calories it packs -- is a powerful tool in helping people lose weight, U.S. researchers said on Tuesday.

The study involving 1,685 middle-aged men and women over six months found those who kept such a diary just about every day lost about twice as much weight as those who did not.
The findings buttressed earlier research that endorsed the value of food diaries in helping people lose weight. Companies including Weight Watchers International Inc use food diaries in their weight-loss programs.

"For those who are working on weight loss, just writing down everything you eat is a pretty powerful technique," Victor Stevens of Kaiser Permanente's Center for Health Research in Portland said in a telephone interview.

"It helps the participants see where the extra calories are coming from, and then develop more specific plans to deal with those situations," said Stevens, who helped lead the study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. The technique also helps hold dieters accountable for what they are eating, Stevens said.

They were asked to eat less fat, more vegetables, fruit and whole grains, exercise 180 minutes a week mostly by walking, attend group meetings, and keep a detailed food diary.

Fire Up Your Weight Loss

Rejoice with your Weight Watchers decision
Enjoy meetings, food, awards
Keep a list of accomplishments
Invest time and energy wisely
Never e-v-e-r give up
Do one positive thing each day
Learn from experience
Expect to succeed!

Have a Happy July 4th!

Have a great time celebrating July 4th and make healthy decisions. Grill lean meats, eat fruits and vegetables. Lighten up salads with fat free dressing or mayo. Try a whole wheat bun or wrap.

Declare your Thindependence
*I have the right to a healthy body.
*I have the right to enjoy activity.
*I have the right to feel good.
*I have the right to say "No."
*I have the freedom to make sensible choices.

Move more

Join the AARP Get Fit on Route 66 fitness challenge ( Register to move you car along Route 66 by logging your daily activity. Who will make it from Chicago, IL to Los Angelos, CA? I will...join me.

My WW members will earn a reward for bringing me their completed travel log.

Trick Yourself Into Eating Less

Use the following tricks to help you eat less.
  • Drink more water
  • Eat more vegetables and fruit
  • Use a smaller plate
  • Use a smaller utensil
  • Drink a glass of skim milk before your meal
  • Eat on cool colored plates (blues and greens).

Set a July Goal

Set a goal for yourself for July. What would you to have happen this month?

It helps to have an action plan to keep you on track. "Storyboarding" is a technique used by movie directors to sketch out a plotline, frame by frame, before they start filming. In a similar way, you can make a blueprint for success by breaking your goal down into parts. Make a chart of the timeline and build it up, week by week, with details of shopping strategies, exercise tips and so forth—anything that helps make your goal concrete and achievable.