Set Interim Goals to Reach Your Ultimate Weight Goal

Setting and achieving Interim goals can help you stay motivated to reach your Ultimate/Dream Weight Goal.

When choosing a Dream Goal, make sure it is:

D esirable -a weight you would like to be at
R ealistic -a weight you feel healthy and happy at
E asily Maintained - a weight you won't struggle to stay at
A ttainable - a weight to can get to
M eets Your Needs - you will achieve Lifetime or fits your other needs

Please see me if you have any questions about setting your weight goal.

Trust the program, it works!

Weight Watchers celebrates 45 years of weight loss success.

T urnaround is a livable program
R eminisce old WW food plans
U nderstand variety and flexibility
S eek the benefits of a weekly meeting
T urn you life around

Enjoy Moving More

Incorporate more activity into your day that you enjoy and find fun.

S ee the fun in movement
P ick things you enjoy doing
O pen your mind to new ideas
R elate to some habits of Olympic athletes
T ake on a competitive attitude