"Weighs" to Reduce Points at Traditonal Meals

Smaller portions (Use smaller plate or small fork)

Prepare mentally (Rehearse in your mind)

Reduce points (Lighten up recipes)

Investigate choices (Ask yourself, is it worth the Points?)

Note body signals (Eat only till satisfied)

Green Diamonds (Fill half of your plate with Filling Foods)

Eating Out Tips

Great tips were shared in my meetings a couple weeks ago of how to eat out and enjoy, yet stay on program.

-Have something light to eat (fruit, vegetable, ff yogurt, ff milk) before going out to avoid being famished.
-Drink water before and during your meal (helps to slow eating down).
-Be assertive with waitstaff how you would like your food prepared or what substitutions you want.
-Ask for foods to be "dry grilled" (no butter , margarine, or oil).
-Package half your entree to go as soon as it comes to the table.
-Share an entree with someone.
-Refuse the bread on the table.

Remember... "Small portions today, small jean sizes tomorrow!"

Be a Successful Exerciser

*Do 3+ different activities per week to avoid boredom and work different muscle groups.

*Fit workouts into your life in small doses.

*Use free weights. Strength training makes you look and feel better, plus slows down loss of lean muscle mass in years to come.

*Increase intensity to get "more bang for the buck;" more calories burned in less time.

"You will never FIND time for anything, if you want time you must MAKE it."
-Charles Baxton

Keep Tracking

Research shows that if you track what you eat and drink you are more control of the foods you eat and how much you eat and will lose more weight.

If you bite it...write it
if you nibble it...scribble it
if you snack it...track it
If your choice is green... it will make you lean
So, if you are willing...make it FILLING!

7 Steps for Success

Follow the 7 Steps for Success!

1) Look up Points values before you eat them.
2) Choose Filling Foods first.
3) Follow the Good Health Guidelines.
4) Use your Weekly Points Allowance.
5) Keep track of everything you eat and drink.
6) Pay attention to portion sizes.
7) Be aware of your body's signals.

Bank your Activity Points

Activity points can now be banked for the week. If you know you have a special dinner or party coming up, move more each day before the event to earn extra food points that can be used at the event.

The Momentum Plan

Weight Watchers's 2009 MOMENTUM Plan combines the best elements of the former Flex and Core. From Flex, the ability to eat any food, with portion control and tracking. From Core, eating foods that sustain you longer and listening to your body's signals.

Continuing with the 4-way approach of Eating Smarter, Moving More, Building Helpful Habits, and attending weekly meetings, you can lose weight by focusing on foods that are "filling foods."